Was born on the 9th March 1967 in Warsaw. He has finished Art History at Sorbonne University in Paris and studies at department of film directing in F.E.M.I.S., also in Paris.

As a director and screenplay writer he has realized the picture “A trace”, that was shown both in Polish and French “Canal +”, and moreover it was awarded at MFFK in Cracow and at festival in Łagów. He has written screenplay for the picture “Leaving” and realized film workshop for children Cine Kids. He also deals with translating dialogues and screenplays into French and German.



1995 „Ślad” / ”A Trace”, documentary
2000 „Odejście” / “Leaving”, fiction (screenplay)
2004 “Debiut” / “Debut”, short fiction
2006 “Konstelacje” / “Constellations”, documentary
2006-2007 “Notre rue” (“Nasza ulica”) / “Our Street”, documentary