Was born on the 21st
September 1950. He lives in Warsaw. Between 1974 and 1997 he was a scientist for
University in Warsaw.
He published two stories and volume of essays, translated
several literature and scientific books from English. He was co-author of the
screenplay for the film “Shitheads” and also several plays of TV theatre. He has
realized a series of TV programs “Televisions”. He was also a co-director of the
”Wizard of the Radio” – showing a person of Piotr Kaczkowski.
1995 „Telewidzenia” /
“Televisions”, documentary series
1995 “Gnoje” / “Shitheads”,
feature film (screenplay)
1995 „Dziennik
1954” / “Diary 1954”, TV drama (screenplay)
1996 „Dziennik bez samogłosek”
/ “Diary without Vowels”, TV drama (screenplay)
1996 „Kwiaty z drzew
zakazanych” / “Flowers from Forbidden Trees”, TV drama (screenplay)
1999 „Dysydent
końca wieku” / “Dissident of the End of the Century” documentary, (screenplay)
2000 „Szaman eteru“ /
”Wizard of the Radio”,