He was born on the 10th February, 1942 in Kazimierz Dolny. He graduated from the University in Warsaw, the Department of Psychology and then in 1974 from the Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź, Directing Department.

A film producer, director, an academic teacher and a professor of film art. He has made about 60 documentaries (among others: “Hope”, “And only Smoke”, ”Life in Łódź”. During 1993 – 1994 he managed the department of documentaries of the Channel 1 for the Polish National Television. He was also the head of documentary department in Canal+ Poland (1999-2000).




1976 „Kolekcjoner” / “Collector”, documentary
1977 „Wygrać, przegrać” / “To Win, to Lose”, documentary
1977 „Wiatr jest silniejszy” / “Wind is Stronger”, documentary
1977 „Gospodarstwo” / “Household”, documentary
1978 „Kara” / “Punishment”, documentary
1978 „Rzep” / ”Bur”, documentary
1980 „Młyn” / “Mill”, documentary
1981 „Teraz” / “Now”, documentary
1984 “Piękny widok na niebie” / “Beautiful View in the Sky”, documentary
1985 „Mieszkanie w bloku” / “A Flat in a Block”, documentary
1985 „System”/ „System”, documentary
1987/88 „Nadzieja” / “Hope”, documentary
1989 „Z życia pomników” / “Life of Monuments”, documentary
1989 „Yunnan” / „Yunnan”, documentary
1989 “Tradycyjna medycyna chińska” / “Traditional Chinese Medicine”, documenatry
1990 „I tylko dym” / “And Only Smoke”, documentary
1991 „W cieniu Pałacu” / ”In the Palace Shade”, documentary
1991 „Gorzko słodko” / “Bitter Sweet”, documentary
1994/95 „Muzyka życia” / “Music of Life”, documentary
1995 „Nad wysokością” / “Over the Hights”, documentary
1996 „Życie w Łodzi” / ”Life in Łódź”, documentary
1997 „Chwile przemijania” / “Moments of Passing” documentary
1999 “Opowiedz o twojej miłości” / “Tell Me About Your Love”, documentary
2000 “Dom między snami” / “House among the Dreams”, documentary
2001 “Album Kazimierski” / “Kazimierski Album”, documentary
2002 „Aby nie było gorzej” / „So as not to be worse”, documentary
2003 „Anielski orszak” / „Angel’s Procession”, documentary
2006 „Młyn na nowo” / “Mill Once Again”, documentary
2007 “Socjalizm albo śmierć” / “Socialism or Death”, documentary